You lead a death cult devoted to Taal-zuz. Increase your cult's Infernal Power enough to perform the ritual of summoning!

Click arrow buttons to select blueprints for each turn. Then press a Main Action button to end the turn.

Tip: Your first few turns should focus on food. Cultivate 1 land each turn, and then farm with everyone else.


I intended to have hover tooltips for everything, but didn't have time for that within the jam's deadline. Here are the descriptions that would have been tooltips:

Follower - Devotees of your cult

Prisoner - Slaves taken during conquest

Food - 2 per follower, 1 per prisoner

Wood - A parcel of logs

Iron - An ingot of metal

Weapon - 1 per follower sent in conquest

Farmland - Each supports up to 2 workers

Mine - Each supports up to 5 workers

Wood Shrine - +1 Proselytize, also 2 infernal power

Metal Shrine - +1 Proselytize, also 3 infernal power

Fortress - Make weapons (store 10 / level)


all the code by

the demon illustration comes from one of these asset packs

Updated 1 day ago
Published 9 days ago
TagsIncremental, Management, Tycoon


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Game seems kinda hard to get with the wall of text. For a jam game it is better to introduce few elements to let the players understand your game

(1 edit)

I do agree with that thinking (introduce players with fewer elements) which is why new blueprints only show up when they become relevant. I was intending to do that with your stats too (ie. the count of different resources only appears when you get some of that resource) but I didn't have time to get to that feature.